ELECTRICAL …………………………….……R550
WATER…………………………………………… R550
ELECTRIC FENCE………………………….R550
NB: For larger properties: farms, commercial properties or Agriculture Properties, complexes, schools, this cost will be for first 90 minutes. Thereafter the hourly rate will be applied at R 500.00 per hour or part thereof.

In terms of regulation 7(5) of the electrical installation regulations (OHS ACT of 1993), a change of ownership cannot take place unless there is a valid electrical Certificate of Compliance.
In order to issue a Certificate of Compliance an electrical inspection need to be done to comply with The Code of Practice with all relevant Occupational Safety Standards SANS 10142 for the wiring of premises and consumer installations external to such dwelling or building.
Certificate of Compliance cover from the point of supply to the point of consumption:
- The main distribution board and sub-distribution boards
- Socket outlet and lights switches in good working condition
- Compatibility and safe condition of wiring with the circuit breakers in the distribution box
- Wiring to fixed appliances is covered by the Certificate of Compliance and required isolation; such as stoves, hot water cylinders, gates and doors motors, fan, pool motor, intercom, etc.
- All metal parts of the installation need to be bonded and earthed properly.
An Electrical Certificate of Compliance will be issued by a registered person and may not be older than 2 years if any electrical work was not done after the certificate was issued during this period.

The City of Cape Town required By-Laws (Section 14 (2)) state that before a property is transferred, the seller of the property shall supply the buyer with a Water Certificate of Compliance issued by an approved registered person. The aim of the Water COC is to ensure that no person may negligently, purposefully or wastefully permit fittings to leak, or use a fitting that is defective. It is also implemented to prevent over-loading of city grey water processing resources by rainwater discharge.
The parts of the installation that are covered are listed on the Certificate as follows:
- The Hot Water Cylinder installation complies with SANS 10252 and SANS 10254, the water pipes in the plumbing installation (especially within the roof space and surface mounted) are properly saddled as per SANS 10252.
- The water meter records the flow when water is drawn, and does not register when consumption stops. The private isolating valve as per subsection 23(2) (a) or (b) is in place and functioning. None of the terminal water fittings leak and they are correctly fixed in position.
- No storm water is discharged into the sewerage system. There is no cross connection between the potable supply and any alternate supply.

Backs and Insurance Companies require a Clearance Certificate when a property is transferred to new ownership. This Clearance Certificate is issued once the property is inspected for any visible signs of wood destroying insects and deemed to be free of any such insects. Please note that wood destroying insects may be active at the time of inspection but could show no visible sign of infestation to date.

In terms of Regulation 17(3) of the Pressure Equipment Regulations (OHS ACT of 1993), when properties are sold the sellers have the responsibility to obtain a Gas Safety Inspection and Certificate before the Deed of Sale of the property can be completed. By law the user shall ensure that all appliances, components of the installation and the distributing system are inspected
The requirement for this certificate of compliance is:
- There are no gas leaks
- Emergency shut off valves have been installed in the correct positions
- The gas piping, regulator and valves and gas appliance are in a safe working condition and not corroded.
A gas cylinder installed on the exterior of a property:
- Is at least 1 metre away from an airbrick, a door or a window.
- Is at least 2 metres away from a drain and at least 5 metres away from an electrical source of ignition, e.g. a motor, air-conditioner, distribution board etc.
- Does not exceed the maximum volume of gas allowed on a property, which is 100kg.
A gas cylinder installed in the interior of a property (usually inside a cupboard):
- Is not situated directly below the hob.
- Ensure that the cupboard is vented to prevent the accumulation of gas.
- There are no electrical switches directly below the hob, or in the compartment where the cylinder is positioned.
- There are no electrical switches within 200mm of the hob.
- LP gas installations should comply with SANS 10087-1:2008.

In terms of Regulation 12(4) of the Electrical Machinery Regulations (OHS ACT of 1993), an electric fence certificate must be issued when there is a change of ownership of the premises on which such electric fence exists. This came into effect as from first of October 2012.
The regulations that govern electric fence installations are found in SANS 10222-3. These regulations are separate to those that govern the electrical wiring of premises (SANS 10142-2).
Only a person accredited by the Department of Labour as an electric fence installer may issue a C.O.C for an electric fence installation comply with SANS 10222-3:2011.
The installation has to comply with:
- An insulated high voltage cable shall not run in the same wire way as an AC cable, telecoms cables or where it is likely to be damaged by liquids or heat.
- All electric fences shall be identified by prominently displaying warning safety signs.
- The minimum of such sign dimensions shall be 200 x 100 mm.
- Sign boards shall be displayed not more than 200 mm from each corner of bend.
- Its sign posts shall be displayed on an access gate and not more than 200 mm from each end of an access gate.
- In urban areas sign boards shall not be more than 10 m apart.
- Brackets shall be min 19 mm width and 4.5mm thick (flat bar) min 19 mm width and 1.6 thick (square tubing) and round bar have a min diameter of 10 mm.
- Wall top fence installations shall be installed where the lowest live wire strand installed on a building element be min 1500 mm from the ground.
- Earth electrodes shall be installed with a min diameter of 10 mm and 1.2 long.
- The max earth resistance of 300 ohms shall be maintained between electric fence and earth electrode.